Emergency Response and COVID 19

The global Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic posed significant challenges to humans and negatively affected critical sectors of societal development, including health, education, hunger and poverty levels, trade and even international relations.

Advocacy on Biodiversity and Climate Change in Nigeria

Climate change has increased the intensity of rainfall and flooding, thereby worsening landslide and gully erosion activities in developing countries like Nigeria and others.


Our commitment towards healthy, clean, and well-managed oceans is not new and it is a global call. It is a strategy for economic growth, global security, and, most recently, good ocean governance, as well as its steady advances in sustainable fishing, marine spatial planning, and renewable energy, will fit perfectly into the future and possibly induce commitments in others.


The goal is to promote CONSISTENCY: Standardizations, Messaging, and Education regarding plastics and waste labeling. Call for ‘One message, one story, one system in managing waste. We have internationally recognized signs for road safety.